DIY Apex compatible feed button and kill switch. Need help!


New member
Hey all,

I once saw a thread about a guy hooking up a doorbell to the apex breakout box and using it as a feed button. Well my question is this: Can any toggle or push button switch be connected to the apex breakout box? I'm thinking I'd like to mount a big red panic button (for quick and complete shutdown) and a safety-guard toggle switch (for feeding) on the side of the tank. I can pretty well guess I'm going to have some programming challenges in doing this, but I'm wondering if the hardware is even compatible for this type of venture. What do you all think?

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I saw a thread about this on the neptune forum a while back. Im sure you could do a quick search and find something there
I believe any 12v switch can work. U basically hook it up like a float Switch and have it run for a certain amount of time. I see no need for it. I always have my phone on me and just activate feed mode through my phone
You simply need to create a short between the BoB switch and the ground. I have one for my sump light. There is almost no current, so effectivly any switch will work.
Thanks Josh, could you tell me what you mean by this statement? "You simply need to create a short between the BoB switch and the ground". Is that a special arrangement/setup? or are you explaining the function of a usual arrangement? I'm a little rusty on my electronics, want to make sure I'm not missing something there.
I could be wrong, but you shouldn't be creating a short between the circuit. You should be creating an open circuit which is what a switch does.

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I want to make clear to everyone that I realize these switches aren't absolutely necessary. I still want them.
Waste of switch outlet. Use display unit or phone.

How's it a waste? It's far easier to hit a momentary or toggle switch than to browse the control head or use my phone. Many people don't use all of their BoB inputs, for others who do typically have a second PM module, so they have 6 more inputs.
Thanks Josh, could you tell me what you mean by this statement? "You simply need to create a short between the BoB switch and the ground". Is that a special arrangement/setup? or are you explaining the function of a usual arrangement? I'm a little rusty on my electronics, want to make sure I'm not missing something there.

Each switch input is a single lead. To close any of the circuits they all go to a common ground pin. Take a look at this thread for some more details of how the BoB are wired.

Any switch; momentary, toggle, etc used to open or close these single circuits can be used to trigger an BoB input. As the current the Apex uses to sense an open or close is so little even microswitches could be used. I simply use a push button switch inside my cabinet.