DIY LED 12g Long


Have any of you do it your selfers ever run into a heat sink that looks like this?

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This would be perfect for what I plan to do but cant seem to find it sold in the US!

Any tips to put me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated
Where did you find that one? Can you get it shipped here to the US? I know we already talked on PM about trying to find one, but I had no luck. That photo you posted looks perfect though if you can get a hold of it.
Yes I have seen makers heatsinks, I want something very narrow as the tank is only 8 or 9 inches wide. I have googled the hell out of heatsinks for literally 3 days.....I have done my homework and have zero luck finding anything in the US. The minimum order from china is like 100 Meters but Im trying to work on that. Maybe someone like rapid led would make that purchase, got to reach out to them. I think they could get rid of this stuff fairly quick. It looks almost perfect for aquarium use! Ive gone as far as reaching out to local lighting stores to see if they could get their hands on them and no luck yet of course. Just google wash wall heat sink and this pic will come up, its from
I found it, and a bunch of others like it on You have to buy it in lots of 5 or 10 pieces though.

Maybe put a feeler out to guage interest from the group? Lots of guys have pico/nano tanks and might be up for a diy led build.
I have looked at that alibaba site how does that work? The heatsink alone was on there but no ordering info. I want to do my own led's from rapid in there bc i will have the drivers and controller that I plan to replace with my apex.....if I ever get around to it

Thanks for looking into it for me Jason!
I used aliexpress which is like the buy it now version of alibaba. If you have ever used ebay, aliexpress is much the same. Most of the stuff comes from overseas and takes a while to arrive. Mai gave me some info on leds from there, thats where he got his leds for his tanks.

Check out the website. There is a bunch of different styles of "wash wall heatsink" material.