DIY Phytoplankton


New member
Anyone making there own phytoplankton? I have see several post on this and some have said to use miracle gro. I started with PHYTO2 as a starter culture and 5 ml of miracle gro water @ 1.019 not sure how its going to turn out. The bottle on the left is trigger pods, one is PHYTO2 (N) and the other is PHYTO2 (T) I saw there was kits but I couldn't wait.....

Here's the update. Looking under a microscope I got massive growth and wish I could photo it for you all. The pods not doing as good I think I lost them. I will start another batch......

Can anybody give a basic breakdown on what's needed to grow these cultures? Rotifiers, phyto, and pods. Also where do you buy the starter cultures? Thanks
phyto2 seems like a good one to buy and start a culture from. I buy it locally and it comes with two bottles of different stuff. I've been wanting to do this for awhile now but never new what fertilizer to use.
It looks like your doing it right, I wonder what happen with the pods?

Not sure, I turned down the air supply after reading a thread and went down hill from there, I'm going to try another batch with more air.
phyto2 seems like a good one to buy and start a culture from. I buy it locally and it comes with two bottles of different stuff. I've been wanting to do this for awhile now but never new what fertilizer to use.

When I was at the lfs and picked up some LIVE phyto and put it under a microscope I had no movement, and a bad smell. From what I under stand is that different strains in the same container will attach and kill each other hence the smell. The Phyto2 under the scope were rocking, I'm going to see tonight how my batches are doing as long as it keeps getting darker i should be good. And yes Phyto2 have a T and N different strains.
phyto2 seems like a good one to buy and start a culture from. I buy it locally and it comes with two bottles of different stuff. I've been wanting to do this for awhile now but never new what fertilizer to use.

Miracle grow liquid house plants only 5 ml per 2 liter
one thing to do is prepare to split one of the bottles. Get a couple more salt water bottles ready. I used 3 1/2 tbsp of salt to 2 qts. R/O. I used to have 2 more 2 qt bottles ready. Pour out your phyto evenly into the 2 qt bottles and top off with the salt water media you made up. keep about an inch or two from the top. Bubble the heck out of it without too much foaming at the top. You will have fresher phyto to use every week.