Do you use gloves?

Gloves or not to glove that is the question

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So one thing I'v been told so many times is keep your hands out of your tank. So the question is do you use gloves when working in your tank, or do you wash your hands in vinegar and go at it.
My tank is predominantly Z&P and i never wear gloves. Most of the other Z&P guys i know don't either. I don't ever have issues and i never get stung by my nem either.

I do be careful with the eyes though. I keep the frags away from my eye because i have heard of them spitting before.

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No gloves here. Isn't the reason for gloves more to keep contaminants out rather than protect you? I figure since I have 270 gal or so, it would take a lot of oil off my arms to do damage. With a smaller setup, I'd consider gloves.
I use gloves but not all the time. If it's more delicate work I'm doing in the tank I just go bare handed.
No glove here!!! But I cut from a distance when holding the frag.. I use a magnifier for special cuts is the only time I'm real close to the frag...
Very interesting I know larger tanks might be able to handle any pollutants and soap residue introduced into our systems but smaller systems might not. after seeing and hearing a lot of tank crashes and algie problems I wonder how much this has to do with it. keep it comming guys and girls love to here your imput.
I hardly ever use them. If I know I will be coming into contact with the softies, or cutting z&p I will, but otherwise no.