Doser setup


Well-known member
Hey guys just want to make sure I have this right. I currently have my dosers set to just come on for 8 minutes straight but want my levels to be more consistent throughout the day and have it come on for 8 one minute time intervals throughout the day.

On my RKE I have it set as follows:

START: 12:00 am
Time On: 1 minute
Time Off: 3 hours 59 minutes
Repeat: none
Random: no
Oscillate: yes

This will give me 8 one minute runs every four hours correct?
Yeah looks ok. The way you have it though won't get you 8 minutes in 24 hours. It will only give u six minutes

If I were you I would break it up further than running for one minute at a time

I'd run it for about 30 seconds each cycle and then time it so it does that sixteen times in 24 hours