EcoSystem Miracle Mud - Who's using it?

I used to use it in my refugium. I liked it alot. Its loaded with iron, so it made my macros grow faster. Some say its a waste of money
I don't think it's a waste of money it carries a ton of good elements our reefs need I have them both in my DT and FT... I think it's benifical to the Biological filtration love that stuff... I think MADJOE uses it too... and his Reef speaks for itself...
Definitely leaning towards using it on my new 120g w/ 55gal sump/fuge - Its going to allow me to have a pretty big fuge section.

Are you guys running with or without a skimmer? I'm even thinking about ditching the skimmer (although make the chamber large enough to house it) and going w/ a Algae Turf Scrubber - Might still leave the skimmer but run it less/only during part of the day.

Purchasing Miracle Mud? Anywhere local? Best online store?
I used it when building my plenum. I cant say that it did or didnt do anything different then just normal live sand in a refugium, but years ago when i did my set up i wanted everything done right and Id like to think the success of my tank is because of that and not cutting corners.
Likewise, I want to do things "right" and this no way of the product really negatively affecting my system. Just ordered some from AquaCave. As mentioned Im probably going to have a pretty big area for a fuge, so I might add a 1/2 baffle in there and keep abunch of LR too - that way the LR isnt sitting on the Mud and theres better flow over/through it.
I just installed abt 35#'s in refuge for my 150 and it totally turned my tank around. I'm putting it in my new 90 as well. Some people are negative on it..but works great for my tank and I tried several different things to get my tank turned around.
35lbs?! Wow, that's pricey. (Changing 50%/yr) I just bought 10lbs, was hoping that'd do it (120gal) plus LR, ATS, skimmer, etc.

how much per tank size are others running?
I just installed abt 35#'s in refuge for my 150 and it totally turned my tank around. I'm putting it in my new 90 as well. Some people are negative on it..but works great for my tank and I tried several different things to get my tank turned around.

no abt like in the post above
and your response to the abt of 35lbs

35lbs?! Wow, that's pricey. (Changing 50%/yr) I just bought 10lbs, was hoping that'd do it (120gal) plus LR, ATS, skimmer, etc.

how much per tank size are others running?
The way my tank was going and how far behind it was I decided that whatever I had to pay I would and its been worth it. I got a guy that gave me great discounts on it because I ought so much. Just picked up another 20 today for my 90 starting in a couple of weeks. May pick up another 10. Worth it and I'm not really going to change it out every year so it won't be that bad cost wise.