Elegance Coral not opening fully


New member
About a week ago I moved everything from 55 to 120. About 70 gallons of new water. All parameters are good. I cleaned my skimmer a couple days ago and still waiting for it to work. I was going to do a water change today but figured I would ask first. All my other corals look fine but the Elegance is like half the size it usually is. Any ideas? Water change? Move it? or ?? Thanks
Is it in too much flow? I know they don't like a lot of flow, but just a gentle movement.

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Not really. I have it about 3-4 inches off the bottom in between a couple rocks. I guess I will do a 30 gallon change.. Only thing I don't have the ability to check is magnesium. Do you check it? I usually dose Kent essential elements every couple weeks.
Magnesium is one of those elements most don't check for regularly, unless you're directly dosing it.
Supposedly the Kent has magnesium and strontium which are important. Has other stuff also. I hate to move it again.. I'll do a water change and see what tomorrow brings. I just don't want it to die. Pretty nice piece.
Thanks for your help Smitty!