Encrusting Monti vs. Acro's


No, I'm not a communist..
So I'm looking to place an acro on a rock that already has an encrusting sunset monti growing on it. Not at first, but eventually, they will both meet each other. I realize that there is no way to be certain about who would win once they collide. I would prefer that the acro keep the monti at bay since the monti is already very large and would have other directions to spread.

Has anyone ever had an experience with an encrusting monti meeting an acro? If so, who won?

The monti is a large Jason Fox Sunset and the acro in mind is a RR Grape Juice, but I could also put a Tubs Pink Jade....
I've seen many reef tanks where the monti sorta grew around the acro, kinda like a semi circle. So I guess the acro won.
most encrusting monti will grow around the acro without taking over. You will see a dime sized space between acro and monti, I think acros probably has higher potency of chemical signal to keep most encrusting monti's at bay.
I think the only encrusting monti to be careful with is the rainbow monti. badsmitty in rc has different encrusting monti's arond different acros in his tank, which looks amazing by the way. But I think the rainbow monti is more aggressive compared to other monti's, and might not be good for acros.
That is mostly what happens, but the sunset packs a punch. It's the most aggressive monti out there. I would do a test before you made anything semi-permanent.