Euphyllia Corals


After almost 20 years I sold all my tanks. Now I only run small 10 gal. Nuvo. Don't have any expierience with such small tanks. Tank is 10 months old. Doing good, I will post some pics... Got few small SPS Frags, Zoas, Candy cane, Duncan, Recordia.... All doing good except EUPHYLLIA. My small Bubble died, Frogspawn was good for 5 months now seems shrinking.... Only thing I changed was Alk. Raised to keep SPS happy. Not sure Are they any pests attacking Euphyllias? Don't think so. Maybe you guys know something I don't... thanks and Marry Christmas.
I've seen an emerald, a lawnmower blenny, and a peppermint shrimp on separate occasions decide that frogspawn is delicious. And the corals were healthy as can be.
Only about 5 months in the hobby.
I've only had nano tanks but in that short time I've seen my Alk way up for a steady amount of time. Actually it's usually a bit high.
There's been occasions where my Euphyllia get a tad angry and shrink up for a day or so but come right back. They actually seem to come back stronger. 2 froggie and a hammer. They've grown a lot with what most would consider high Alk and high Nitrates.
I guess my point is that I wouldn't look at high Alk for the problem.. Maybe something else?

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Thank's. I will keep looking... I lost 2 of them already in last couple months and third one as you see on pic is not happy last 3 days....