Ever keep a dwarf angel with a Regal Angel?


No, I'm not a communist..
I'm wondering if I introduced a Flame Angel into my fowlr would my Regal Angel care? The Regal is such a timid fish.
Anyone ever try this...?
flame angel did chase all my other fish when i introduced into my tank though ..
now its ok but still chases them all around at times
Generally large angels and dwarfs pretty much ignore each other, no matter when introduced. The regal might give him some business off the bat, but go lights out and likely no issues.
Generally large angels and dwarfs pretty much ignore each other, no matter when introduced. The regal might give him some business off the bat, but go lights out and likely no issues.

That's what I was hoping to hear, thanks!

BTW...I have a small frag of that ORA Fuzzy Yellow. It's only about a half inch, though.
Dude! I have some tiny frags to trade, but don't know when I'd be able to meet up. Maybe next weekend.
Next weekend could work. I have an order at MCf and hope to pick it up next weekend. I could either stop by on the way or meet you there. I'll shoot you a pm when I know...
cool, I'll take some pics, I do have a very small strawberry shortcake frag, it's from the MCF colony they had in the main display, it's farily small (1/4" but encrusting). I also have a few mystery frags. I can take some pics this week.