Experience with dragonets and copods?


Premium member
I know their diet of pods can be a big turn off for these guys but they are beautiful fish. I have a very stable pod population in my fuge and I was going to try to introduce them to the display tank in hopes of getting a Mandarin/Bullseye Mandarin but I don't know how hard it will be to maintain the copods population in the display.

Anyone have any experience with these guys?

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If it's for the 46g I'd skip it unless you have a very very large fuge in the works. You can try to get one that will eat frozen but they will need tons of small feedings throughout the day (probably more than your water volume should handle).
My suggestion would be to setup your own copepod culture and rotate rocks between culture and display tank every couple of days (pod farming). It's not easy but if you really want one, you'll have to put in the time given your tank size. Also, make sure you have no other fish (like wrasses) that will out compete the mandarin for pods.


Good luck!
I have one in my tank (75G w/ 20G sump) and I think I have a healthy pod supply but I still add some from time to time just to make sure he/she stays fat. I used to have one that ate pellets but someone else trained it before I got it. GL if you get one but please pass it on if it starts to look skinny. :)
They are sure beautiful!!! I had a challenge with mine.. Even though my fuge was covered in pods and 200lbs of LR in a 75gal.. He managed to get skinny on me... Good thing my wife was able to feed him frozen food when he came to the top of the rocks.. But they sure can wipe pods fast!!!
I got lucky with mine. He eats frozen and pellets. I bought him from a family member who was getting out of the hobby and he never ate frozen for her.
Hmm I am tempted to try one out and if it starts getting skinny I'm sure someone here would want one for free lol. Thanks everyone

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