Fav mode in Mp10


Well-known member
well as the title says

whats your fav mode in Mp10 and why ??

i always used to like NTM mode .. but recently changed it to lagoon mode and feel like my millies and the rainbow prostrata is even more hairy ..

so just wondering whats yours and why
I liked nutrient transport the most and reef crest after that. This was with 2xMP40 linked opposing.
I use reefcrest most of the time. But the day b4 and after my water change i use ntm. I just need to figure out the right wave in my tank.
I switch mine every other day haven't really got stuck on one...but i do notice my fish act different in every mode...i think they like constant current the most.

i have been experimenting with all modes on Mp10 like changing the mode once every few days ..

so now im finally done cycling thru all the mp10 modes (except the long pulse mode).

Corals (sps ) have been happy in almost all the modes but have to say i have seen the best polyp extension in the Tidal swell mode. they took a couple of days to adjust to that mode but once they got used after like 2 to 3 days .. the pe is crazy even the polyps looked like they are getting blown off at some times but after 2 days everything settled down ..

now im gonna leave my MP10 in that mode.
That's funny that you tried all but the long pulse mode Tin....that's the mode I use...lol
Excellent PE with few sps I have and all my BTAs maintain bubble tips since I've chosen that mode.. may be a coincidence but if it ain't broke, don't fix it...;)
That's funny that you tried all but the long pulse mode Tin....that's the mode I use...lol
Excellent PE with few sps I have and all my BTAs maintain bubble tips since I've chosen that mode.. may be a coincidence but if it ain't broke, don't fix it...;)

hmmm May be i should try that too then.. but i thought its almost constant flow and turning the pump off for sometime and then constant flow again.
The pump speeds up and slows down quickly which is what creates a pulse. But it never stops so the flow is constant. Plus you can control the length of time between pulses (ie: quick rapid pulses or long softer pulses which is my choice)