Feather Duster


Active member
Can someone give me an answer please..
I moved my live stocks from my 10g reef to 20g long last night..I have a duster feather, it sticks in one of the live rock..this morning when i got up to work I looked at the tank and I saw it out of the tube and stay on the bottom of the sand bed and it opens wide..the tube still sticks on the live rock..I don't know what happen. die or alive i don't know?
My cleaner shrimp too..I don't know if he die or not..lay upside down..when i took him out from the acclamated bucket..
someone help please...
How old was your 10gal set up? Did you move the sand as well or used new sand? If you used your old sand on the new tank, you might have released some bad stuff that can kill your livestock.
How long was your 20G up and running? Did you check your water paramters in the 20G? This would be very helpful to know. Also, did you ever put copper in the 20G?
my 10g reef it been running for couple months..everything are fine in there..
my 20g long is about 3 week old..new live sand bed..same live rock from 10g..I think the shrimp should not be acclamated..maybe i'm wrong..
20g long reef water test are good
ammonia 0
nitrate 0
nitrite 0
ph 8.2
from what I heard regarding feather dusters.. They have a tendency to leave their tube if they dnt like the location... Try moving the tube to wear the feather duster is at... It should crawl back in or it'll create a new tube of its own...
regarding ur shrimp.. It may have been too soon for you to put it in since ur tank is still fairly new.. How long did you acclimate it for... For me.. I usually do a drip acclimation of about an hour to an hour and a half since inverts are more sensitive to new water perameters..
Last time I mentioned about my feather duster got out of his tube, when i got home from work that day I saw the feather duster was half way in my australian duncan mouth, I pulled it out from duncan mouth and put it back into his tube. It works! now he is back in the tube and still alive. I feel it rebuild his tube..
Oh one question about my nemo fish I saw he sucked the buble tip anemone's tentacle in his mouth like a baby sucking the bottle nipple..
it looks funny..is that normal?
I bought 2 peppermint shrimps yesterday, I put them in the tank one of them died right a way....the other one still alive...I don't know what happen..
please give me some advice. thanks
the clownfish and the nem is normal. Mine do that with their frogspawn host.

Did you acclimate a good long while for the shrimp? They can be sensitive to water chemistry changes.

I've merged this thread with your old one to keep it as one topic
I bought an leather carpet yesterday, I acclamated about 10' and dipped it. found few bristle worms in in...put it in the tank..hope is ok.