Fed up with ORAs Bellina Acro


Active member
Anyone ever have any success with ORA's Bellina Acro? I just lost my frag of it (from ORA). This is the second time I've tried to keep it. First time was in the nano, was a huge 2"+ frag from DD. This time was in the 70g, was about a 1" frag from MCF. Both of them were happy and healthy, then in about 30-45 days after introduction to the tank they STN from the bottom up. I was able to save a couple small tips off of the most recent one, but only a few days will tell if any of it will survive

This has been the most difficult (if not impossible) acro to keep and ORA should really think hard about pulling it as it's not a good coral to aquaculture if it's not sustainable.
Isn't that one of the corals that ORA themselves lost at one point and restarted their colony from a seeded frag?
that's too bad, it's one coral I've wanted to pick up, but never see them in the stores.
That's too bad. I just googled it and that's a really cool looking coral. Good luck over the next couple of days. I hope they hang on for you.
one of the better looking oras... Unfortunately they're one of the few that are so hard to keep. Its so crazy cause I just saw that piece looking great a couple days ago...