Feeding Your Bangaii Cardinals

when i had one a big one it ate anything that made its way to his hideout back in a cave with light weird rarely seen him out and about friend has it now part of breeding pair and same thing eats mysis rods
Mine eats pods in the tank, and Rods. My bangaii has NEVER eaten any flakes or pelllets for me.


Mine like Hikari Mysis shrimp. They refuse everything else. I'm guessing they are also surviving on the massive pod population in the tank.

I was hoping to vary their diet.
when i had one a big one it ate anything that made its way to his hideout back in a cave with light weird rarely seen him out and about friend has it now part of breeding pair and same thing eats mysis rods

Mine don't normally hide like that. I wish mine would eat anything. I've tried the Rod's food, they spit it out. Everything else loves the Rod's Food!!!!
I have around 6 picky eaters in my new tank, But there all eating what i give them,I found out if i kill all power heads they eat 100% better!
+1 on turning off powerheads, that way you only put in what your fishes will eat and not have them blow around and become detritus.
I have a B. Cardinal that is an extremely picky eater as well - he'll "try" everything, but then spits it back out - been doing this for the 3 weeks Ive had him. Tried frozen brine, mysis, squid, etc :( Following along for advise.
my bangaii eats whatever i put in the tank, brine, mysis, rods food, pretty much anything, i actually have two bangaii cardinals now got another one like three weeks ago and they are doing very well together and they both eat like fat asses