Finally Some Free Time!


New member
I've finished my first semester of college and it's for sure that I'm getting my own apartment next month :D

I've taken a tour of my place, and I am very excited that I'll have room for a 55g tank. I have some ideas of what I want to put in it, but to be honest I've never taken care of a tank by myself.

I'd like to have a set up with a few anemones with a couple clown fish. I was wondering what kind of either I should be looking for.

I was thinking a couple bubble tips; from what I've heard they are a bit hardier than other species? I know I'll have a lot of setting up(also, studying-up) to do before my tank would be ready for an anemone but would like to plan ahead. Any tips would be much appreciated!
Lots of research and paitence. Make sure your tank matures before you try anemones. As far as clownfish, you can't have a "couple" a pair would be perfect.

PS: i'm a college student myself and i go to school in iowa. I'm not sure how long you plan on staying at this apartment or if you've purchased it to own. But plan on taking down the tank if you are renting. always good to have a plan in case u gotta move it somewhere else.
The joys of starting a tank.It will be atleast 6months before you can add an anemone safely,so read as much as you can in the meantime.
I hated having a reef tank while renting. It sucks to move it every year. I am a college student as well, but I am in Freeport if anyone knows where that is.
Good Luck. We only ever did a nano reef while renting. I can't imagine moving a 55.