Fireplace aquarium?


New member
So I have a faux fireplace that was handed down to me from my grandmother.

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Every day I look at it and think.... "That would be a cool spot for a tank!"

Inside dimensions are:

27in wide
26 1/4in tall
12in deep

A 30 tall would be

24 1/4 wide
24 3/4 tall
12 1/2 deep

What do you guys think? All suggestions or comments appreciated.

Bottom is marble so I'm pretty sure it can take the weight.
you might have some problems with the tank being 1/2 inches to deep. but that would look cool what would u do for filitration do you think.
I think there is enough room to pull the marble frame forward and flush with the speakers.

As for filtration... I'm not sure. I was thinking maybe I can plum it into my 72 gallon that is only a couple feet away.

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I love stuff like this. Have you considered putting a tank on top and then having a display fuge in the fireplace opening? Looks like a cool project.
I love stuff like this. Have you considered putting a tank on top and then having a display fuge in the fireplace opening? Looks like a cool project.

The fireplace is acting as a "tv stand" kind of deal. My tv is wall mounted above it and my sound bar and cable box sit on top.

My brother in law suggested gutting the speakers on the side and put some kind of filtration in there. However I had plans in the future to redo the electrical with new speakers and receiver.

Maybe I should show off the rest of it.

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8 track and record player!
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nice do you have a basement. you could plumb everything to downstairs and have like a big fuge to clean up everything
Unfortunately no basement. I really think the only option would be to plum it 3-4ft over to my 72 gallon. It only has a CPR aguafuge ps. Maybe it's time to get a sump under it. How would I hide the plumbing tho....
That whole piece is awesome. Can you take a whole room shot so we can see the 72 and the fireplace. Simply painting the plumbing the same as your walls might hide it enough.
Got a great suggestion on RC. Need to setup an exhaust fan of some sort to keep the humidity out of the fireplace.
I think I am going to go shopping this weekend for parts to make this happen. I don't think it will be a "display sump" I think I might add a sump under the stand and plum both tanks to the sump.

Idea's? suggestions?
What if you put a sump/fuge in the cabinets above the fire place and have it drain into the display tank in the fireplace
I think plumbing to your 72 will be more of a pain then it seems. Overflows rely on gravity. Having a tank that low means almost a level overflow to get it over the top of the sump in the 72 stand.

I also love projects like this and I think the fuge being higher and overflowing to the display would be easy however the display will constantly vary in height.

I'd say go acrylic all the way to the top, and sump it into the speaker area. Or sump it above and put a false wall in the back of the aquarium. Then basically overflow the display to the back side over the false wall. Place your return pump there and all your water level inconsistencies will be in that small chamber.