First coral suggestion for a noob?


New member
Okay folks, I'm currently cycling my first reef tank. It s a whopping 5.5 gallons. I was hoping for a suggestion of which coral to be my first? I like zoas, but which would be the best for a total beginner? How about mushrooms? Before I tackle anything which requires higher care I'd like to try the most bulletproof corals out there. Open to suggestions? :encouragement:
Okay folks, I'm currently cycling my first reef tank. It s a whopping 5.5 gallons. I was hoping for a suggestion of which coral to be my first? I like zoas, but which would be the best for a total beginner? How about mushrooms? Before I tackle anything which requires higher care I'd like to try the most bulletproof corals out there. Open to suggestions? :encouragement:

Pulsing Xenia are pretty cool. They have these hands that open and close. Kenya trees are strong too.
Pulsing Xenia are pretty cool. They have these hands that open and close. Kenya trees are strong too.
Yes, I like those too! I may try some zoas and maybe a Kenyan Tree and /or pulsing Xenia.

Question? How many corals can I start with? Just one at a time? How long between corals should I wait?
I am tearing down my 2 reef tanks & have a lot of newbie corals for you. I do think you should go bigger with your tank though.
I think he's talking about them being too indestructible, meaning they will be hard to get rid of, if you change your mind in the future. That's how it goes with most "bullet proof" corals, though.
Yowch! Well that may not be a bad thing I guess. If i decide to change up it would probably be to a bigger tank.
I am tearing down my 2 reef tanks & have a lot of newbie corals for you. I do think you should go bigger with your tank though.
This is just a nano tank I am starting with. I know small is difficult in this hobby, but my logic is if I can master small, then bigger will be easier. I would not mind taking you up on your offer though. :friendly_wink:
This is just a nano tank I am starting with. I know small is difficult in this hobby, but my logic is if I can master small, then bigger will be easier. I would not mind taking you up on your offer though. :friendly_wink:

Sent you a PM about some free corals I have for ya. Before you get suckered into paying for stuff that most people give away check the PIF thread too.
I will be upgrading for the 4th time and will not be using over 200lbs of live rock I have had for years because of mushrooms.

Ouch!! Yeah you can't kill mushrooms even when you try. It's amazing how slow the jawbreakers and bounce shrooms grow when the stupid common red/blue are like weeds.
5.5 gallons... my first coral after cycling my current tank was a xenia.. Now I'm trimming back big time as i'm making room for more corals. If you want some Pink pulsing it's free for pickup... or I may be able to meet you somewhere that's not too far.

Make sure you find a way to confine the xenia to one spot like a rock so they don't over run the tank.

It's a small tank so soft corals sounds like the way to go IMO, they tolerate parameter swings a lot better than hard corals (with skeleton). My favorite pico tanks have a bunch of different zoa colors ;).