Fish Suicide...need a top?


New member
Okay today I had my first suicide since taking off the glass top when I got my new lights 2 months ago.

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My wife found him in the middle of the floor today. He is a total bottom dweller, so I am dumbfounded as to how or why he ended up on the floor.

Has anyone else had this problem , or or there other options being used other than a glass lid that would/will prevent this? Not sure if this is a once in a blue moon kind of occurence or something pretty common when you don't have a lid on the tank.


Get the clear mesh that the one member sells on here and make a top. I plan to use the mesh to seal off the back of my canopy
Diamond Gobies are pretty much the worst when it comes to jumping. Mine usually jumped at night, soon after lights out. Put a clear plastic mesh screen over your tank. Buy the plastic mesh from someone here and get a kit to make a screen frame from Home Depot.
Diamond Gobies are pretty much the worst when it comes to jumping. Mine usually jumped at night, soon after lights out. Put a clear plastic mesh screen over your tank. Buy the plastic mesh from someone here and get a kit to make a screen frame from Home Depot.

I did exactly this and it works great. Much easier to know your fish are where they should the tank.

My freshwater fish are doing this now as well. I have a glass top with a 1/4" gap around the edges and they still come flying out! Totally sucks.... lost 4 fish this weekend. Looks like I'll need to ditch the glass top and make a little screen top for that tank as well.
SO mesh like a window screen? I know someone told me to use the eggcrate maybe? If yes to the mesh any clue who it is on here that sells it?
+1 to both...they are one of the most common fish to go carpet surfing. Sorry to hear about your loss.
goat585 has a ton of the mesh (he also has instructions on his blog). He just hooked me up with plenty to make a 2x2 top for $6. Then you order the rails spline and corners on BRS (or at you hardware store, but BRS is a sponsor). it was extremely easy to do. Measure twice cut once, no problem. A simple hacksaw blad cuts the rails like butter.
anyone can give me a HD or Menards selling link to the framing kit that i have seen many using on here .

i went to homedepot asked about it but no one got me what looked like it ..
Someone on here should make these by request for other CR members, using materials from BRS, of course. Another money making oppurtunity for someone. I'm always thinking about making money.
aluminum doesn't rust. Only ferros (iron containing) metals "rust". I think aluminum actually forms a protective reaction coating instead of a destructive one. Every metal oxidizes, they just handle it differently. (ever see a rusty pop can?)
Someone on here should make these by request for other CR members, using materials from BRS, of course. Another money making oppurtunity for someone. I'm always thinking about making money.

I just started to build them on occasion for people if they want them. I just have not figured out a cost effective way to ship them
I got bought my frames, corners, cord, and roller from home depot on North ave in the window section. Very easy to cut, add corners, then lay down the screen, roll on the cord, and then trim excess screen.