Flat worm question


Premium member
I am going to be moving from a 29 gal to a 65 gal in the next 2 weeks. My question is when I move the rock to the holding bucket couldn't I just treat the LR there with Salifert Flatworm eXit and dump the water. This way I don't need to worry about toxins. Also should I start with new live sand or just wash the existing really good and use it. Does the Salifert Flatworm eXit really work in 30 minutes like the directions say??
Grrrrrr!!! I will treat the tank before the move.. Follow the directions and treat 3 times to be safe. It's not fun to see them

I hate these pest :mad:
Also you won't have worry about a small tank vs a large tank..

Less dosage and water change = less of a mess

GL ;)
If you can catch my melanarus wrasse and give me a decent frag for him, he's yours and he DECIMATED a flat worm problem in my tank. No chemicals = no potential problems.
And to answer your question, no - I couldn't catch him.
If you can catch my melanarus wrasse and give me a decent frag for him, he's yours and he DECIMATED a flat worm problem in my tank. No chemicals = no potential problems.
And to answer your question, no - I couldn't catch him.

U still trying to catch that wrasse!
I am going to be moving from a 29 gal to a 65 gal in the next 2 weeks. My question is when I move the rock to the holding bucket couldn't I just treat the LR there with Salifert Flatworm eXit and dump the water. This way I don't need to worry about toxins. Also should I start with new live sand or just wash the existing really good and use it. Does the Salifert Flatworm eXit really work in 30 minutes like the directions say??

if youre trying to treat your flatworm, just treat the old tank or rocks in a bucket before transfer. just have new water ready for your new tank. you'll need to treat your corals too if you have corals, so it's better to just treat everything while in the old tank.
depending on how old your sand is and if you stir it or siphon it, I would just use new sand. using old sand into a new system can trigger a cycle (ammonia/nitrite spike), so be careful moving old sand. if you decide to use old sand, rinse it well first in a bucket.
thanks for the offer. Let me know if the trap works and we can work something out.

OTE=DaveWF;106439]If you can catch my melanarus wrasse and give me a decent frag for him, he's yours and he DECIMATED a flat worm problem in my tank. No chemicals = no potential problems.
And to answer your question, no - I couldn't catch him.[/QUOTE]
thanks for the offer. Let me know if the trap works and we can work something out.

I got him!
He jumped into my Biocube's makeshift 'fuge and is hiding in the tiny compartment with my skimmer and chaeto so he needs to be moved quick. If you can't get him wednesday or thursday I think I should see about selling him outright or seeing if I can get credit at a LFS for him.

Let me know soon, ok?