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I noticed I have some Flatworms in my sump I think they came from some Chaeto algea I picked up from Sea Schor but not sure i dont see them in my main display and dont know how else they got there because my overflow drains in to a sock. I suck out what i can see, What else can i do, I here they are bad
They aren't bad. What makes them bad is how fast they multiply and once multiplied they will start sitting on corals. Corals will then slowly die because they are not receiving the sufficient lighting due to Flatworms blocking it. You can treat with Flatworm Exit. Also you do want to make sure they are what you say and don't mistake them. I am currently treating with it and it is working. It will not work for all types of flats so make sure they are the Planaria. GL with it. You want to get rid of them ASAP as they will multiply quickly. Also read the instructions very well if you do go with this treatment, do not take it for grant it.
We tried a six line and a month later had a six line that was harrassing a few of our other fish and still had flatworms. Just our experience.

Flatworm exit did a good job but took multiple treatments.

Be sure to siphon out as many as you can before treating because if the infestation is bad enough, a quick die off could cause a tank crash.

Let the flatworm exit do its magic for at least the recommended time and then have carbon ready and do a water change.

Good luck.
They disappear after wiping out the flatworms, they only eat flatworms. I never saw them again.

ask MCF to make another order for them, that's what I did. Otherwise Liveaquaria sells them too.
If they are only in your sump I would drain the water and only put RO water back in. Flatworm do not like salinty changes. drain the water again and add your salt until the correct salinty.

Just my opion
Unfortunately, they multiply fast and for every one you see there are dozens more.

If you are certain they are only in you sump... I would disconnect the sump and treat it before they reach the display. Flatworm Exit is good but takes multiple doses. Wrasses are 50/50 (mine started to eat them but now doesn't touch them) I sort of gave up. I try siphoning out as many as I can with WC's.

Good luck.
Thanks everyone. I will try all your suggestions, it seems like in this hobby we are always battling something. does it get better? I mean I realy love my tank and very proud of it. but a lot to learn, I'm sure glad you are all here.

There can be bumps in the road to reefing but it is part of the hobby lol overall, with all the bumps and work, I can still sit down and watch my tank and be proud of it.

Happy Reefing!
melanurus wrasse did the job for me but just like someone else mentioned common flatworms are not that bad until they start getting out of hand, I used to have a fair amount in a previous setup that never multiplied so i never felt the need to get rid of them. On the other hand a good buddy of mine got a terrible infestation that covered all his rocks and corals and ended up breaking down the system to clean out everything.
Thanks everyone. I will try all your suggestions, it seems like in this hobby we are always battling something. does it get better? I mean I realy love my tank and very proud of it. but a lot to learn, I'm sure glad you are all here.


This hobby isn't like painting where you work on the piece and then sit back and enjoy it.

Its a hobby that is fluid and ongoing. There are times when everything seems perfect and ideal, and at other times you swear somebody is messing with you.

Stick with it. It is worth the downs when you are enjoying the ups.

Best piece of advice I can give you is to move slow. Small adjustments and observation is key. Nothing happens fast in this hobby except algae.