Float switch for Skimmer cup


Premium member
Hey guys. I'm sick of my skimmer overflowing once every two weeks or so. My skimmer cups randomly just starts over flowing with water. Like today I woke up to it overflowing from the cup for no reason at all. All the water just flows back into the sump and some skim mate. Last night Before bed I checked it and it was working perfect. By the way it's a newer Eshopps S150.

Any one ever mount a float switch to the collection cup of the skimmer? When you clean your cup do you have to plug the switch from the break out box every time? my plan is to control it using my reef kepper controller. I have the float switch already just need to figure out the best way to mount this thing to cup or cover of it. Looking for some ideas and tips. If I try this I'll post pics of the progress.
Why not get a collection chamber like the davey jones locker from avast marine. Some models already include a pressure switch that can hook up to your controller. It's a clean solution with out having to mess around with fabrication.

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Why not get a collection chamber like the davey jones locker from avast marine. Some models already include a pressure switch that can hook up to your controller. It's a clean solution with out having to mess around with fabrication.

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My buddy has one these its pretty cool shuts off skimmer when full
Any one ever mount a float switch to the collection cup of the skimmer? When you clean your cup do you have to plug the switch from the break out box every time? my plan is to control it using my reef kepper controller. I have the float switch already just need to figure out the best way to mount this thing to cup or cover of it. Looking for some ideas and tips. If I try this I'll post pics of the progress.

Yes, I have a float switch in the top of my container. My skimmer and collection cup are external, so overflows are 100% unacceptable. I just run the float switch into my apex and code the outlet appropriately.

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One thing to think about. When coding the float switch outlet in the controller, you'll want to add some delay before it is triggered. Otherwise it may shut off the skimmer for no apparent reason. You also need to consider if the skimmer is dumping a lot of skimmate quickly into the collection cup, you'll have to put the float lower in the container (like mine is) to allow time after the skimmer shuts off, for the skimmer cup to still draining into the collection container and not overfill it.
That's exactly what I'm trying to accomplish here. Did the float switch come that long or did you extend it? Thanks for the advice.
No, it's just a standard Madison M8000 float switch. I drilled out a peice of pex tubing enough to allow the float to screw into the pex. The pex is then pushed into a fitting that is screwed into the container lid.
This is how I did my float switch. I screw the float switch into the plastic tube then place the tube into the skimmer cup vent hole, which was the perfect size and location. After I got the float adjusted to where I wanted it. I put a little silicone on it to keep it at that height. Hooks up to a reefkeeper work great
Works like a charm. Awesome
Thanks for the ones who posted pics.

Great idea for adding a float switch in the Skimmer collection container. I have had my skimmer over flow a few times. I will be adding a float switch and control it thru a 12 volt relay panel I have built that turns outlets on and off as I cannot afford a Apex at this time. Wife is very ill and have large medical bills /prescription bills and is not going to get any better.