Float switches and reefkeeper?


Premium member
So heres my question i have a reef keeper elite and i already have my skimmer outlet hooked up to a float switch so if water level is to high the skimmer turns off . This is so the skimmer dosnt over flow if i turn off main pump or power goes out and everything restars with the generater. Works great but i added another float switch to the collection cup this way if cup gets to full it shuts down also . Problem is i dont think and i dont see where i can add another switch to it . Anybody kniw if it can be done or do i have to build like a ato system type deal. Can i tie the secind switch into the same line as first one
oh wait or you mean ..if you can configure the same plug for both floats ?

Yes lol i have two sl1 on my system so can have 4 floats but cant run two on one outlet well u can but one for in one for off lol i gotta play with it more. Unless i can just have em both as off i winder if they turn back on automatically hmmm maybe i just answered my own question lol
Never mind i figured it out guys u can use two float switches in ine plug just set the ine in cap as on and the one in sump as off and it works