Flow qeustion!


New member
I have a standard 75 gal tank and a 30 gal 30x25x10 frag tank. Both are z/p tanks. How much flow, as in power heads and gph, should each tank have? Any recommendations on power heads, like models numbers and stuff? I have a couple small power heads in my frag tank but I'm pretty sure it's not enough flow. The two in my display are mid sized power heads but I have no idea how much gph they are pushing. Help!!!
At the minimum I would think 20x the water volume for flow. 30x would be better and if you're going to keep SPS at some pint I think 40x is recommended by some. Vortech MP pumps are great but expensive. Koralias are good also. I also use the Maxijet Pro powerheads.
Hummmm.. Me love z/p ;)

2 -Koralia 750
2-Koralia 1050

Should give you a nice easy flow

2 on the back pointed towards the glass.. The 1050 on the sides..

Hope that helps and Welcome!!
I only trust two powerheads Koralia & Tunze vs not spending top cash.. MP are nice but get ready to drop $$$.$$

I know someone selling Tunze's 6025 if you are interested..