Flow question


New member
We have a 29 gallon nano reef and I was wondering how many power-heads we should have. All our corals are doing fine, but we have a spot in the tank no matter how we situate the power-heads that has little to no flow. The tank has 2- Koralia 750 (I think) in it. Right now we are trying to get rid of a hair algae problem and have gotten rid of all of it expect the stuff in the dead corner. We are not sure what else we can do. Any ideas or suggestions?

Nope, we have only ever moved the rock once and it was when we moved. We put almost no thought into aquascaping this tank. Have you seen our tank?
Nope, not a clue what your tank looks like. Just going by what you described. I'm ready to re-scape our fresh BC29 as we keep getting small cyano outbreaks in places that just don't make sense. She made me pack 35+ lbs of Marco type rock in the tank, and I did the best I could to make it fit and keep good flow, the funny thing is you can totally see the water flow where the cyano is, and the light is dimmed down as far as it can go, we are definitely not overstocked. Just a mystery of the universe to me at this point, so I figure it won't hurt any to rearrange a bit.
I'd angle the right ph to point across the tank or towards the glass, looks like its pointed to the back of the tank.