Flow RW-20


New member
I bought 2 RW-20 in the recent group buy by jay jerk and I set one up in my 125 gl and i can't find a good flow setting with out my sand spreading around and leaving a bare side any help reefers ?
Else is prob your best bet...that pump moves a lot of water. Another option would be to buy a power supply with less power. I'll look for details on the power supply and get back with you. In mean time tell me what power supply u have. I think it's a 4a
I tried that also but their was about of water splashing and salt build up around the glass

I had the same problem in the beginning. You just need to point it up, lower power, and wait until your sand is heavy with poop and algae.

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This is my settings with 2 RW15 in a 75g. I hope this helps.




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I'm gonna try ur setting and see how it goes thanks

I think how old the sand makes a big difference. Like I said, when my sand was brand new, it also went everywhere. However, over time, the sand gets heavier with crap so it was fine after that.
I think how old the sand makes a big difference. Like I said, when my sand was brand new, it also went everywhere. However, over time, the sand gets heavier with crap so it was fine after that.

It's been 3 days that I tried ur setting and its looking good no more bare bottom and sand in one place so that means I'll leave the settings like urs
I was gonna set up my two rw-20 but two much water waves and tornado sand so I only set up one and the other keeping it for reserve