So I downgraded from 125 to 40 gal. Before I sold my 125 I fragged and move corals I'd like to keep in my smaller tank. It is been 2 months and all doing good. I have a lot of SPS. Since I run low nutrition system ( Nitrates, Phosfate are 0) I decided to give them a little food. I know opinions are 50-50 on feeding SPS but I figured that little food won't hurt nothing since my parameters are all good and always been. I bought Coral Frenzy but I'm confused.I thought it will be more like powder but surprise pellets. It said on container that pour into glass of tank water and pour in the tank. But pellets just went down to bottom and sitting there. How corals will get food? Unless they will dissolve later… 12 years of reefing… still confused Do you guys have any experience with that food? TView attachment 12155hanks for future advice. Art