Found Fish (Miracle the Trimma Tevegae)


Several of you may know of my obsession with one particular fish. Trimma Tevegae gobies are very hard to find, tiny, acrobatic and beautiful. I was lucky enough to get one at MCF as they were closing which jumped on me after inroducing a 4 line wrasse. I then got another at an LFS, but it was really roughed up and I never say it again. On 12/28/2012 Matt at Sho Tank let me know that he recieved two tiny gobies because he knew I was looking. They were marked *** Trimma Canar, and they were about 1cm but I was sure it was a pair of tiny Tevegae. I took great pains to acclimate them, but i only saw one of them once after release into my 45 Cube. At that point I swore I would not get any more until I had a space specifically dedicated to them. Last friday I moved that 45g and it didn't go very well. Ultimately that sump was cracked and last night I was up until 4:15 fixing it. I drained most of the remaining water from the broken sump with an MJ1200 then shop vac'd out the rest. A while later I went to pull the broken sump out and I saw a little flash of pink and silver in the remaining puddle at first I thought it was a big pod but then I realized it was a FISH! I reached in and scopped him up un my giant, tired ham of a hand and he, of course; wriggled and fell on the grimy cement floor. I couldn't even try to pick him up again with my hand so I grabbed a drywall knife and scopped him into my tank. I thought he was a gonner for sure, but he sat on my frag rack for a second and then ate some reef chili and zipped back into the rockwork. I simply can't believe that this litle guy lived through everything he did. He might have been in the sump the whole time or just swept in, but either way, this tank breaking at least let me know he is still in there and still waaaay tiny. Maybe if he was in the sump the whole ime he'll actually be out and about now. . .
What a crazy "hobby" we do.
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I love finding missing fish and they still be alive. I went through that a couple months back with my midas blenny. congrats on finding the little guy
I've got a bleeny that's gone missing in my 57 g, hope he shows up someday too! Inspiring, but sorry to hear all the bad news with the move!