Frag Swaps 2013 (Nation wide listing)


New member
So i have been following a thread on RC. I had some time today and combined all the posts to make one master list and on there since no one else was keeping an up to date one. Thought Id post it in here for all to see!!!

* new additions since posting

1/12 Fargo, ND
1/19 Spartanburg, SC-Carolina Aquatics Trade Show-SCAA
1/26 Lancaster, Pa TFP/NCPARS winter frag fest
1/26-Madison, Wi-Mars
1/27-Lansing, Mi Michigan Reef Society

2/23-Cleveland, OH-Lear

3/2-3 Denver, Co-Reefstock
3/9 Storrs, CT Frag Farmers Market
3/9 Next Wave-Dallas, Tx
3/10 Granite City, IL-Slash Spring Swap (St. Louis)
3/23-Dayton, OH-Worc
3/24 Springfield, IL
3/24 Dexter, Mi Ann Arbor Area reefers

4/6 Des Moines Central Campus, IA-Girs
4/6 Austin, TX-Capitol City Coral Conference-ARC
4/14 SWFMAS Reef Conference, Fort Myers, FL
4/20 New Castle, DE-Drc
4/20 Janesville, Wi
4/20 Marquette, Mi Uppmas
4/20 Dayton, OH-Coral Farmers Market
4/20 Nashville, TN-MTRC
4/27 Stockton, CA-Nvr
4/27 Indianapolis, IN-INDMAS

5/4 Twin Cities-Lake Elmo, MN Tcmas
5/5 Warwick, RI-Osras
5/11 Cincinnati, OH-CARE
*5/18 CMAS Villa Park, IL

8/9-11 UNE, Maine, Ornamental Fish Health Symposium 2013
8/30-9/1 Miami, Fl-Macna

9/7 Fragstock Wisconsin Fredonia, Wi
9/21 Columbia, SC-CMAC

10/12 Bloomington, IL-Bnarc
10/12-13 Reef-a-Palooza-Los Angeles, Ca

11/9 Charlotte, NC-Rasoc
11/16 Waterloo, IA-Girs

12/15 Jacksonville, FL-Jax reef

After today I cant guarentee the dates wont change or more added, I fi remember or someone asks I can update it later.
This year the BNARC Fragfest will be on October 5th, we had to change the date to stay at the interstate center, we are still coordinating our swap with SLASH which will have their fragfest on October 6th. Thanks for updating the calendar to reflect these changes. I am on the BOD of BNARC and a member of SLASH.
Sweet, i hope to meet some of you guys here ill be there Apr 20th of course **cough cough** lol and may 18th......
This year the BNARC Fragfest will be on October 5th, we had to change the date to stay at the interstate center, we are still coordinating our swap with SLASH which will have their fragfest on October 6th. Thanks for updating the calendar to reflect these changes. I am on the BOD of BNARC and a member of SLASH.

I will DEFINATELY be at BNARC Fragtoberfest. I know Gary Parr and Mark Vera are scheduled to speak.
FYI- for those of you making the short trek to BNARC Fragtoberfest this Saturday, October 5, Gas at the Marathon station right across from the Interstate Center is $3.09 Same at the Walmart. I think that's the cheapest in the state.
They are predicting temps below 70 so be certain to bring a cooler or Styrofoam box to keep your prize livestock alive on the trip home from Fragtoberfest 22013 which opens at 11 a.m. on October 5th. BNARC Fragtoberfest 2013 Bloomington, IL Interstate Center 2301 W. Market Street Bloomington IL 61704 from 11 to 4 with Raffle starting at 3:00 PM - Hourly Door Prizes
General Admission is $5.00 per person. Children 15 and under are FREE. Admission is free to BNARC members
Grand Raffle Prize 1 winner – (2)Aqua Illuminations AI HYDRA Modular LED Lights with a (1)controller
Our Speakers this year include:
Gary Parr – Photography and your reef tank
Mark Vera – Nutrient and Algae control
& BNARC’s own Tyler Penn and Josh Paschal – Replenishing Your GFO
Benny’s BBQ will be making and serving pulled pork sandwiches again.
Hourly Door Prizes and a Raffle the last hour of the event
Raffle Prizes include
The Chicago Aquatic Experience has donated two sets of 3 day passes
Rod’s Food Muliti-paks courtesy of Rod’s Food
Air Water & Ice – Mighty Mite RODI unit
Saltwaterfish .com 2 Gift Certificates
(2) aqueon evolve 4 nano aquariums
(1) Complete set of aquavitro chemcials from Seachem
(1) complete set of fusion chemicals from seachem
PRODIBIO – (4) Bio Reef Kit from Probido, (2) Bio Reef Nano Kit from Probido
Reef Frenzy – 5 packages of reef Frenzy
Aqua Tech - 10 Azox, 5 selco boost and 4 packs of clearly carbon
Bulk Reef Supply - two part doser package with pumps$205 value
Reef City – Frankfort IL – Gift Certificate
Reef Wise – 2 $50 gift certificates
Reefs2go - $50 gift certificate
Mackinaw Family Restaurant 4 Gift Cards - courtesy of Uncle Carl
ABC Counseling –Trivia a Twilight Event – 4 Tickets – courtesy of Uncle Carl
Drs. Foster and Smith Gift $25 Certificate
Tunze a 6015 pump and a tube of coral gum epoxy. -
Sue and Verle Castle - Finnex breeder/refugium box with and air bubbler
Ascension Aquatics – zoo frags
Frag Creations - $50 Gift Certificate
This year BNARC is donating a 10% of admission and 1% of raffle proceeds to support the reef tank we donated to the Miller Park Zoo in Bloomington, Illinois, last year.
BNARC will give a check for $40 to every reef club that brings 4 or more members who pay admission. The Club that brings the most members will receive a check for $75 ( $40 plus an extra $35). Checks will be made out to the club.
They are predicting temps below 70 so be certain to bring a cooler or Styrofoam box to keep your prize livestock alive on the trip home from Fragtoberfest 22013 which opens at 11 a.m. on October 5th. BNARC Fragtoberfest 2013 Bloomington, IL Interstate Center 2301 W. Market Street Bloomington IL 61704 from 11 to 4 with Raffle starting at 3:00 PM - Hourly Door Prizes
General Admission is $5.00 per person. Children 15 and under are FREE. Admission is free to BNARC members
Grand Raffle Prize 1 winner – (2)Aqua Illuminations AI HYDRA Modular LED Lights with a (1)controller
Our Speakers this year include:
Gary Parr – Photography and your reef tank
Mark Vera – Nutrient and Algae control
& BNARC’s own Tyler Penn and Josh Paschal – Replenishing Your GFO
Benny’s BBQ will be making and serving pulled pork sandwiches again.
Hourly Door Prizes and a Raffle the last hour of the event
Raffle Prizes include
The Chicago Aquatic Experience has donated two sets of 3 day passes
Rod’s Food Muliti-paks courtesy of Rod’s Food
Air Water & Ice – Mighty Mite RODI unit
Saltwaterfish .com 2 Gift Certificates
(2) aqueon evolve 4 nano aquariums
(1) Complete set of aquavitro chemcials from Seachem
(1) complete set of fusion chemicals from seachem
PRODIBIO – (4) Bio Reef Kit from Probido, (2) Bio Reef Nano Kit from Probido
Reef Frenzy – 5 packages of reef Frenzy
Aqua Tech - 10 Azox, 5 selco boost and 4 packs of clearly carbon
Bulk Reef Supply - two part doser package with pumps$205 value
Reef City – Frankfort IL – Gift Certificate
Reef Wise – 2 $50 gift certificates
Reefs2go - $50 gift certificate
Mackinaw Family Restaurant 4 Gift Cards - courtesy of Uncle Carl
ABC Counseling –Trivia a Twilight Event – 4 Tickets – courtesy of Uncle Carl
Drs. Foster and Smith Gift $25 Certificate
Tunze a 6015 pump and a tube of coral gum epoxy. -
Sue and Verle Castle - Finnex breeder/refugium box with and air bubbler
Ascension Aquatics – zoo frags
Frag Creations - $50 Gift Certificate
This year BNARC is donating a 10% of admission and 1% of raffle proceeds to support the reef tank we donated to the Miller Park Zoo in Bloomington, Illinois, last year.
BNARC will give a check for $40 to every reef club that brings 4 or more members who pay admission. The Club that brings the most members will receive a check for $75 ( $40 plus an extra $35). Checks will be made out to the club.
Hi guys!
I'm Carole from NWIMAC in NWI and we're having our first frag swap in your backyard :)

Join us Sunday, September 21st from 12-5 at Woodland Park in Portage IN for the first annual NWIMAC frag fest!! We have a lot of great vendors lined up, raffle prizes, swag bags, food, and even coloring and raffles for the kids!

Entry is $5 non-NWIMAC members and free for members and kids under the age of twelve.

You can find the info under events :D

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