
William Lutman

Active member
Well I have set up for some heavy fragging next day or two.

Little research
Acanthastrea Coral Care and Propagation

Shout out to Ben and his dad for loaning me their Inland bandsaw

Acan's will move left to right

More to come!
Be careful with the power junction box being so close. Water will start to go everywhere when ur fragging.
Water will start to go everywhere when ur fragging.

That's true; I normally wear goggles when I use the saw. Water will end up on your face, and that's a fact. :)

I can't wait to see what acans you have to frag, and it's my pleasure to loan out the saw! Now more of us can dip into your awesome collection!
Generous frags to say the least, Will! You won't be able to see the plugs, come May! Everything went well, I take it?