fragging toadstool


Active member
I have a really big green toadstool that I would like to frag but I have no idea how to frag them. Anyone know? Can I just cut off a small chunk from the outside and attach it to a rock or do i need to cut off a part of the leg?
From what I've read you can cut just a part off the top and attach it to a piece of RR or similar. I think there's a video on Youtube where the entire cap is cut off and fragged into several pieces.
No foot needed. You can trim it around the edge, say cut a 1" ring off then cut to size.

I've seen a lot of times where rubber bands damage the frag and glue doesn't hold. What I did is place a bowl with rock and set the frags in there. Let them attach themselves to the rubble.
So can I do this under water or will I have to take it out? Don't want it to poison or kill anything else. I can just clip off a chunk from the side of the circle and then let it attach to rubble? Its really as easy as that? lol
You need to take it out and do in a bucket of water or at least rinse and let it ooze before it goes back in tank.
Toadstools slime like snot!
Glue dont work worth a crap use rubberbands.

So can I do this under water or will I have to take it out? Don't want it to poison or kill anything else. I can just clip off a chunk from the side of the circle and then let it attach to rubble? Its really as easy as that? lol