Fragging Xenia


New member
I have a piece of live rock full of Xenia in my 45g reef tank. I wanted to cut some pieces off and put them on a frag plug or rubble rock or something. I have done some research and wanted to see what you guys think. There is about 20 heads on the rock, I didn't know if I should cut them while they are in my tank or take the whole rock out and cut the pieces in a tubberware? The rock is a base, holding up other pieces so it will be hard to get it out. Another question is once I cut it, should I put the pieces in Iodine or just tie them onto the plug/disc with a rubberband and mesh right away? Thanks in advance.
I like taking the rock out. You could clip them in the tank but make sure you're running carbon to combat the toxins. Cut as close to the rock as possible and you can mount them right away. Xenia is pretty hardy so I don't think a dip in iodine is necessary.

And if you're going to try to sell them, CL is probably the best place. Some LFS take them in trade too.
I actually flush my xenia if no one takes them for free. But to answer your question, you can either do it in the tank or out of. I have done both ways but I do run carbon 24/7. Now I do it out of the tank since I have them on an isolated small rock so its easier for me to take the rock out. Just snip them at the base like trackfast said and rubberband the base of the stalk to a plug or rubble rock. You can also mesh it but I have had better luck with rubberbands in the past when I didn't think they were weeds. Good luck!
I don't have any carbon so it looks like I will be taking out the rock. Thanks guys for the feedback. @kratos1028 so you think it's better to not use mesh and just rubberband it to the plug/disc? I watched a video and the guy said to use mesh so you can rubberband down the mesh and not the Xenia frag to reduce stress.
ime, whenever I used a mesh, the xenia would attached itself to the mesh so when you take the mesh off, the xenia comes off with it and isn't attached to the plug like you want.

You could also stick a toothpick through the base of the stalk (the thick part so the toothpick stays in) and rubberband both sides of the toothpick down to the plug instead of the rubberband being directly on the stalk.
yes, i have. It was awhile ago though. I now just do fresh cuts for people if they want any or flush it down lol

Just keep the rubberhand on for a few days and then check to see if it has attached by removing the rubber band slowly.