Free sample of Coral Frenzy to first 25 members who...

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Coral Frenzy wanted to show their support of the ChicagoReefs community by giving away 25 free samples shipped.
See what the hype is all about for yourself!


First 25 members to

1. Like us on facebook if you havent already at

2. Post here thanking Coral Frenzy

3. If you are the first 25 please send me a pm with your address.

If you have tried Coral Frenzy before, please refrain from participating.
Thanks guys! Happy Reefing!
We want to thank all of you for the warm welcome.

Rozdab, superchargedgp, kdog23, & madjoe. Send Eyereef your info and I will crack open a jar and make some samples for you. I totally understand the Facebook issue. I am not a huge fan of Facebook myself but if it wasn't for Facebook we wouldn't have become a sponsor because I didn't know about ChicagoReefs.

For those of you who would like to "Like" us on FB here is our FB page.

For those of you who didn't make it, no need to worry. We will be doing things like this every so often.

Thanks again,

Hey thank you Coral Frenzy I liked you on FB also already had the forum liked. Cant wait to try this I used to feed my corals in an old tank some stuff and they loved it.
Hey guys i dint think its happening again just looks like it cause we lost three months of stuff . I could be wrong but i kjow 25 of us already recieved
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