Fresh water fish in my Z&P tank..

Did you acclimate it Mai, or did you buy it from [that place that I can't think of the name of right now LOL.
Nate, No acclimate, just bought a pair and out them in. The guy said they will eat algae. If they alive then they better than Snails.
Mollys are brackish water so theyd survive in salt for a few weeks and yea i heard that too that they go crazy on algae

why didnt you get a tang mai ;) they also eat algae i think ..right ?
stores sell so called salt water mollies lol they do fine in salt water seen some at coral reef one time for something crazy like 20$ now that's wtf
I've been tempted to try molly's myself. I read they have to be slowly acclimated for hours before you put them in tho.
Yeah, I used to keep mollies and guppies in my kids saltwater tank years ago. They do better and live longer when you acclimate them for a few hours.