Friendly shrooms


New member
Im wondering if I put the mushrooms and ricordia near each other and if the grow close will they do ok around each other? Also what's the differance between ricordia and yuma? Got a picture to show differance?
Mushrooms can be around each other no problem. Ricordia Yumas are from the Indo pacific where as flordias are native to the carribbean. To tell the two apart , yumas have the "little bumbs" extend up onto the snout of the mouth where floridas do not.
Im pretty sure the difference is where they are found ... The more common ric is the Florida ricordea ... Which is a little more hardy ... The Yuma is found somewhere else(not sure where) but usually has better colors and are a little more sensative to intense lighting ... Not to sure if the rics will irritate the regular shrooms ... If anyone else can add to this please feel free
I stole it from reef2reef, but wanted to sound smart :) How are things going with the tank Ryan? Any more group buys in your future?
Thanks guys. Guesss I won't be putting them close to each other and take a chance at losing any.

I stole it from reef2reef, but wanted to sound smart :) How are things going with the tank Ryan? Any more group buys in your future?

Not too bad as of now. Just little bummed cause I have a couple favias I can't get to do too well. I've heard that for most that there is one coral that just doesn't do well for them. Looks like favia might be that for me. Others are doing good. Fish and doing good too......
As far as group buy, I might join if there is another one but nothing like the one you started. I'm happy with my inhabitants right now but I'm sure there might be something else that would catch my eye...... I've got some other questions I'm posting so check it out and your opinion is appreciated.