Frogspawn Dying???


New member
Is my frogspawn dying or could it be doing something it is suppose to be doing? I have a 29BC and everything else seems to be doing just fine. I checked my perams and ph,alk,salinity,nitrates and nitrites are all in check. Temp is 77-78. It was doing very well since I got it. Its in the same place since day one.

Any ideas?
Do it seem to be receding into its skeleton? Mine used to do that just before it would spout a new head. Hope that's the case for you. :)
Do it seem to be receding into its skeleton? Mine used to do that just before it would spout a new head. Hope that's the case for you. :)

Can't really tell what it is doing. I hope its going to spout a new head. It has been so solid and lively since I got it.