FS: 7-8" Clown Tang

Renegade Reefer

New member
I've had this fish for 3 or 4 yrs now,it is very healthy and eats everything, the only problem for me is he is getting to aggressive towards my powder blue and achilles and it's time for him to get a new home. unfortunatly since he's in a 450 now he would have to go into a tank no less than a 200 gallons or he might become more aggressive.
I would like to get $100.00 for him since I paid that for him when it was less than half this size.
I thought I would give someone here the opportunity before he goes back to the store, pickup is in joliet.
I just sold mine on Craigslist, try posting there. I didn't get any takers here, but I got 3 people contact me via craigslist. I would also post on craigslist.
I'd figure I'd try here first. You how CL people are. I'd get 1000 texts, and they would want pictures, I'd have to pay them to take it, deliver it to thier house,acclimate him, and leave food for a month so I knew it would survive. hahaha thanks anyway
I'd figure I'd try here first. You how CL people are. I'd get 1000 texts, and they would want pictures, I'd have to pay them to take it, deliver it to thier house,acclimate him, and leave food for a month so I knew it would survive. hahaha thanks anyway

You got it just about right. I get a buyer for my puffer, he backs out cause he suddenly won't be available for a few weeks. I contact him a few weeks later he's still interested but it's a long drive (like 40 min at best) so I drop the price accordingly to cover is cost if picking it up. Bastard then has the nerve to request I meet him pretty much where he lives, and still wants to pay the reduced price I asked him for to help him out in the first place. Selling **** on craigslist is such s pain in the *** not worth dealing with in my experiences so far.

(sorry for the rant, just one of those days)
Problem with craigslist is the lack of reputation.
You are talking to a random person that can disappear from the face of the earth at any moment.
craiglist is the way to go....but mario at aquatica is a real good guy so i would talk to him you might be able to trade