Fuge or sump?


So I'm gonna be setting up a frag tank and can't decide if I should go with a fuge or sump.heres some details on my setup,

Arcylic frag tank 24x18x8 with overflow.
150w heater
500gph return pump
Led lights to be determined
DIY stand
10g Sump with eighter a asm mini g skimmer or reef octopus

Ideas will be appreciated.
Some of Booyhas clowns... Maybe

No rock or sand only if u go with a fuge.ill go with a dsb and rubble in the fuge.
Why not have all 3 :rolleyes:

HOB skimmer/drain > fuge > return/skimmer ( either should work with a skimmer)

Keep in mind you will not need much area for the drain and return areas IMO

It can be done...
Reef October bh1000 or something else with an external pump

I was thinking along the same lines.i was looking at the bh100. Put the pump in the same area with the return then dump back in the fuge section.plus it's a little less and I can use that towards lighting.
I don't agree with the BH 1000 being the best you can get. SWC hob and BH 90 are in my opinion better skimmers.
I think im leaning towards the bh 90.gonna have to put the fuge on a platform but not a problem since im gonna do a diy stand.