fuge setup question


New member
last question for awhile....well maybe :)
I made my original sump and a year later it has cracked. i am getting a new one today for my 75 gal mixed. My old fuge was dsb and caluerpa and I had the fuge on one end and the skimmer on the other with the return in the middle. The new set up is more standard ....fuge in the center. SOOOOO my big question is should i plumb it any special way and what should I put in the fuge. The tank is barebottom mostly softies.
filter sock?
Sand or no sand?
cheato or caluerpa?
filter sock? Sometimes, mostly right after water changes, the remove and rinse for next water change

Sand or no sand? IMO no sand. Just becomes a detritus trap. Use LR rubble to anchor your macro algae and you're set.

cheato or caluerpa? Yes. Use both. Use more than just two (i.e. dragons breath, etc.). The more diverse your fuge the stronger your ecosystem will be. Biodiverisity is key to maintained environments.