Gauging Interest In Bus Trip to Ann Arbor Swap?


New member
I am wondering if a bus trip is worth organizing to the Ann Arbor Swap. If we get enough people together I am sure we can get a reasonable rate from Chicago to Ann Arbor. This is a very nice swap with about 500 in attendance in past years, and this year will be bigger.

Details are below. Post below if interested. At the minimal maybe some carpools can be setup.

The 5th Annual Ann Arbor Swap is at
Dexter K of C Hall
8265 Dexter Chelsea Rd.
Dexter, MI 48130

MapQuest Maps - Driving Directions - Map


Sunday, March 24th 2013.
From- Noon till 4pm

General Admission:

$5 per person general admission
Kids 15 and under free with adult admission

Vendor/Hobbiest Table Price:

$25 per full table + Raffle donation Includes admission for 2
$15 per half table + Raffle donation Includes admission for 1

Setup restictions: (See exceptions in post #4)
Max water volume per table: 50 gallons (or 25 gallons per half table)
Maximum power per table: 300 watts max. (e.g.,100 watt heater, 200 watts lighting)
Make sure your equipment is in good working order and not a safety hazard.
Bring your own extension cords and possible powerstrip for more than 1 plug. All cords must be clear of walkways or securely taped to avoid tripping.

Concessions/food will be available.

We are also planning to put together some sort of raffle event as well- Gets bigger and better every year!
ive never been to a frag swap, can you show up without setting up a table? do people sell frags or trade them?
ive never been to a frag swap, can you show up without setting up a table? do people sell frags or trade them?

Yes, you can go just to look if you want. Or you can buy. You can try to trade, but not everyone will. Definitely bring a cooler or styrofoam container like Matt said, and of course lots of $. Some people take cards, but don't count on it.
I feel like I would have to limit the amount of $$$ I had or I would go like a kid in a candy store haha