Getting Ready to Build my Sump


Im getting ready to build my sump its a 30 long and its for a 90 gallon tank. Hoping someone could give me a hand building it would drive to your house and bring beer if someone could help me do it right. :). Ive been researching and kinda have some idea hows I want it but dont know if it would be ok the way I wanna do it.
This is very similar to what I have except my bubble trap has two baffles and my fuge is fed from my return. I split my return instead of the drain. I had mine built by Anthony of Nano Sea Creations. I love mine.
I thought about putting a tee in my return and sending it to the fuge but I didnt know which way would benefit more. I also didnt know if I should put that angle from the fuge to the return if that would benefit less Micro bubbles.
I have it set up the same as kevin with the t in return. I just have a single baffle with teeth frin fuge to return
use a manifold to send water to your fuge, good idea on the support. my fuge fell in about 6 months after the build. dont really mind tho. may be easier to just glue something on the fuge baffle like gutter guard?