Glass Drilling Advice or Possible Help - NW burbs


This is a two part post:
1. I was wondering if there were any ChicagoReefers up by McHenry who would be interested in drilling my 120tall for a small fee...I've read alot about it but I'm paranoid about doing it the first time.

2. Any drilling advice or horror stories would be great appreciated. I've read everything on the website and they seem pretty nonchalant about drilling holes in a fish tank. I understand the inherent risk associated with drilling glass - that's why I didn't buy the stuff to do it already!

I'm not in a huge hurry as I still have to obtain other parts on a budget but I'd definately appreciate any advice!
As long as you go slow its not a problem. Thick glass on bigger tanks is alot easier. I have drilled more then a dozen and cracked a few from not paying attention or being in to big of a hurry but those are all small 20 gallon tanks.
Contact Runningreefing on Reef Central. He's drilled hundreds of tanks for hobbyists and LFS around the area. He'll charge you around $50 to do the holes and more if you want him to build you overflows.
advise is go slow have patients, little to no pressure let the bits do the work and the kit i bought came with a lil cup that both holds the bit in place on the glass and you fill with water so it keeps cool i drilled much smaller glass and took about 25 min i think for three holes not a must but i noticed if you can get a drill with the level in the back that would help you drilll a straight hole worst part was this for me when i had a slight angel and half the bit went thru before the rest putts additional stress on glass but keep it cool even a hose constantly pouring on
If I lived near by or owned a car I'd do it for you. I've done plenty, only cracked a 10g once. :D

It's pretty easy to do. Go in at an angle to form the starting point and slowly even it out.
ive drilled a 30 gallon, a 55 gallon, and a 10 gallon.
theres really nothing to it at all. just take your time and go slow.
my only problem is usually not holding the drill perfectly perpendicular to the glass.