glue frags under water


Active member
been doing this for a little bit and can never figure this out . ive used many different glues and all results are the same FAIL !!. S o whats your secret ? how do you glue a frag underwater and make it stick ? i hate using putty cause looks like crap when im done, i always try and remove the new coral ffrom the frag plug and glue to my own frag tiles . but when i try and glue to my rock it never holds wats the trick ? please share your method and glue of choice !
use Coraffix glue, put a drop and dip it in water .. wait for a few secs and rub it on the rock slowly and carefully till the frag doesnt move anymore and it stays there ..

i tried the same thing with superglue stuff and it doesnt work ..

but im liking the putty way more ..
I use superglue. I dry whatever im going to glue with a paper towel, apply glue, and place it in. Doesnt always adhere on the first try, just add more glue and place it again. Once it starts to adhere, hold it in place for a few seconds, and done.
thats the thing tho aaron i dont wanna remove the rocks they are huge and ill break stuff trying to get them out of the 2 ft opening at top of the tank .
Use this

and super glue gel

- Mix the aquamend
- Put little Gel Glue on bottom of the frag
- place the aquamend on the gel glue
- put little glue on the aquamend

then stick it in where you want the need to hold it ..will never fall again.

Chad showed me this way and I'm following this way ever since. Easier than just using the glue and extensor strong. You can even glue rocks this way if you do it right
I use locktite from ace hardware. It's water resistant and it's a gel. Works every time!

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Use this

and super glue gel

- Mix the aquamend
- Put little Gel Glue on bottom of the frag
- place the aquamend on the gel glue
- put little glue on the aquamend

then stick it in where you want the need to hold it ..will never fall again.

That is what I do. It works great. I have coraline colored epoxy. a little bit goes a long way. I prefer gel super glue also. Less mess.
Ive used all types of super glue gels all work the same for me some just r thicker then others. Right now useing gorilla gkue grl works good abd was pretty cheap. I never dry i tried didnt c a difference. I cut corals off the plugs i hate plugs or i cut the stems off the plugs put bunch of glue dip in water with flow off it gets a skin then just pkace where i want move aroubd to break skin . U will feel it get harder to move then hold and done. Sonetimes i pullit up and add more gkue to make stronger or just need more glue to build it up till it has a contact point. U will be able to tell when it touches and where. I dobt like the putty stuff takes to long and hate the look