Good, Bad, or Ugly?


Premium member
Hello All-

Relative newbie here, in the game for about 4 months. I saw a new inhabitant to my tank today. What is this? I went to remove it and it quickly disappeared and then reappeared in a different spot in my sand later. If this is bad, how do I get rid of it? Its clearish in color and has a bunch of wavey tentacles. Is it a form of aiptasia?

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Thanks all for the quick response. Drone strike planned for tonight. Or Aiptasia X. I have a peppermint shrimp that has mostly been a troublemaker, lets see if he can finally earn his keep and eat this baddie. If not I will toast him with Aiptasia X.

I am glad I didn’t recognize the Aiptasia. Good sign that I have never seen one!

I recently added some corals. Did this guy hitchhike in on LPs ? I dipped before adding to my tank and checked them out, but I guess I missed this. Or is this a coincidence, because I also recently rearranged my live rock and perhaps he was there the whole time. Happy Reefing!
If it's in the sand I would just scoop out that section and remove the aiptasia. No need for the X or paste unless it's in the LR. Dipping wouldn't have prevented this but having the Peppermint shrimp should help.
If it's in the sand I would just scoop out that section and remove the aiptasia. No need for the X or paste unless it's in the LR. Dipping wouldn't have prevented this but having the Peppermint shrimp should help.

^^^ this.....