good clean up crew for BB tank


Well-known member
what's a good clean up crew for BB tank.. Looking for things that would be ok with a nem..
Try ReefCleaners. I just ordered a snail only cleanup crew for my 92 gal. They have a clean up crew for all sizes of tanks....with and without crabs.
Lots of snails. Just no nassarius as they dig them themselves in the sand. It would be like getting a blue spot jawfish with a bb tank. +1 on Reefcleaners. IMO they got the best bang for the buck too and you always get lots of extras.
Try ReefCleaners. I just ordered a snail only cleanup crew for my 92 gal. They have a clean up crew for all sizes of tanks....with and without crabs.

Thnks for the awesome website.. I may order frm them today lol