Good Reactor to run Biopellets


Well-known member
I am thinking of running bio-pellets on my 50 cube and interested to know some of the good bio-pellet reactors ..

right now im thinking of either a IM media reactor or one of the jebao dc pump ones ..

what should i be looking at before getting one ? and also is there a difference between different bio-pellets ?

This area is new to me so Suggestions ??

I use the FR-30 for my 60g cube, it's real nice because the way it's made accelerates the flow input through the media meaning you can use a smaller pump but I run mine with a mag 5 with a ball valve to control flow and stuff.

As for Biopellets I use Warner Marine ecoBAK BioPellets since I read good reviews on it and it sure does get the job done pretty well, just be sure to keep it constantly tumbling because I find it that it works better rather than a slow gently tumble like a lot of people recommend.

Be sure to start off slow, then gradually add more as the bacteria colonizes. If you're setting up a brand new tank I'd throw in the recommended amount from the very start to let it colonize on it's own while your tank cycles.
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and many many many more.
I read thru all those threads at some point ted, but may be not with enough interest to remember cause I didn't think I'm going to use biopellets

But if everyone uses just the search then there won't be any discussions and no new threads in the forum.

If all I am looking for Is info in plain text I would have used google or reef central or reef2reef, information is in abundance.
The reason why I ask again is to start a discussion and address my specific concerns and I kind of know whose advice to take and whose I shouldn't

What's more funny is, the first link is your thread opened with the same question in feb 2014. Is that to say there is no information available at all before that? You should have used google or "search" on some forum

No one is forcing you to answer so just don't if you don't want to, rather than being sarcastic.

Thanks for the links though
I read thru all those threads at some point ted, but may be not with enough interest to remember cause I didn't think I'm going to use biopellets

But if everyone uses just the search then there won't be any discussions and no new threads in the forum.

If all I am looking for Is info in plain text I would have used google or reef central or reef2reef, information is in abundance.
The reason why I ask again is to start a discussion and address my specific concerns and I kind of know whose advice to take and whose I shouldn't

What's more funny is, the first link is your thread opened with the same question in feb 2014. Is that to say there is no information available at all before that? You should have used google or "search" on some forum

No one is forcing you to answer so just don't if you don't want to, rather than being sarcastic.

Thanks for the links though

Yes, it was immediately after the crash (somewhere in the vicinity of three days) and many of the threads were not able to be opened at that point. I am a strong proponent of bumping or adding to existing threads that contain information on the question you have. The discussions have already been started, just need to continue them. That way you also get longitudinal experiences rather than just a snapshot in time.

Carry on.....
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Yea and last time i checked search isn't returning proper results after the crash

And Again no body asked you how you like it, stop side tracking threads please.,
Yea and last time i checked search isn't returning proper results after the crash

And Again no body asked you how you like it, stop side tracking threads please.,

Did I not provide you with the information you requested?. Seems perfectly on track and on topic until your second post. There is a better way to search anyway. Go into google and type


xxxxx is the subject you are looking for and don't use quotation marks. It works to search any site on the internet.
Personally I use Next Reef reactors. I prefer reactors that have the 5/8" input and exit lines. It allows you to be able to pump more water through the reactor in order to get the media to tumble correctly. I had some that had 1/2" lines and I had a hard time getting the media to tumble properly. I was using a large amount of media so that contributed to the problem.
I use the JNS alpha reactor for my 55 with sump. NP bio pellets. I want to try the new ones that claim higher phosphate reduction though. High flow so the pellets don't clump together.
The Reef Octopus ones come with different sizing of the nipples so you can use different size hosing.
[MENTION=127]goat585[/MENTION] I feel like if you got a pump that can be adjusted for optimal flow you wouldn't have the same problem you mentioned getting pellets to tumble due to the size of the hose. Most pump these days have a slider to adjust the flow, and those who don't can just get a bigger pump and just add a valve to adjust the flow of water to hit the tumble rate desired. That's just my advice/observation.
I am using the JNS alpha 1 on my 30 and bought a JNS alpha 2 for my new build awesome reactors I am also using the reef intrest np bio pellets and will be using the new reef intrest np bio pellets with the go built in on new tank
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The Reef Octopus ones come with different sizing of the nipples so you can use different size hosing.
[MENTION=127]goat585[/MENTION] I feel like if you got a pump that can be adjusted for optimal flow you wouldn't have the same problem you mentioned getting pellets to tumble due to the size of the hose. Most pump these days have a slider to adjust the flow, and those who don't can just get a bigger pump and just add a valve to adjust the flow of water to hit the tumble rate desired. That's just my advice/observation.

Its a mag 18 that feeds my return on my system. Plenty of power and had a ball valve to adjust. Went to a 5/8 input and have no issue now with a 3/4 full reactor. I just like the reactors that have the bigger inputs. You can always restrict the flow but if you need more for some reason you have that ability with a 5/8 over a 1/2"
Started using dr tims pellets with a tlf 150 about a month ago. I took the whole bottom plate off and they tumble perfect. So far I have no results. Gonna wait it out for a bit and see what happens. Started with 1/4 recommended dose and just added some more. I did start getting some green cyano. I think that's what it is.

Good luck.
Started using dr tims pellets with a tlf 150 about a month ago. I took the whole bottom plate off and they tumble perfect. So far I have no results. Gonna wait it out for a bit and see what happens. Started with 1/4 recommended dose and just added some more. I did start getting some green cyano. I think that's what it is.

Good luck.

I use a tfl 150 as well. Been using it for over a year. It's pretty much set it and forget it. I did mod it by cutting the pipe a little and gluing it into the top. It's not perfect, but I had it laying around so it was free.
Tin...our tank sizes are very similar....with the extremely small amount of BPs I use, I can't imagine needing anything larger than the IM Minimax Desktop I am running now.
It is so small that it barely takes up any room in my sump and refilling it takes seconds.
IMO, unless you plan on upgrading to a much larger system, the IM Desktop will more than serve it's purpose... ;)
Going with the CPR nano tumbler for now ill see and may be upgrade it in near future if the results are not as good :)