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New member
Just got back into the saltwater fish started my tank about 2 months ago and already I am looking to change things up some. So i have questions just want to make sure I go to the right area. So the question will be on sumps and refugium. I attached a pic of my tank. (At least i hope i did). It's a dual octagon total of 55 gallons. I'm looking forward to learn and expand my knowledge and then upgrade to a larger tank in a year.
Nice looking tanks! Are they hooked up in the center?

I don't see many people use canister filter for saltwater these days. May cause you problem in the long run.
nice tanks!, I've never seen one like that. What kind of equipment are you running and what are you planning to stock them with?
Cool set up. Will be interested to see mor pics and what livestock you choose. What's your sump/fuge question?
thanks guys i thought the tanks where sweet when i seen them and the future wife insisted i get them now she says she created a monster lol and yes the tanks are connected in the middle with the 2 tubes and yes the fish go back and forth and yes i want to dump the canister filters that are on it now and hook up a sump/refugium system to it question is how am i going to do that use hob overflow? drill the back? since the tanks are separate but yet joined do i use just 1 hob? or 1 on each tank section along with the return in each or just 1 if that makes sence my concern with just 1 is water flow from tank to tank i have two canisters hooked up to it now 1 for each tank thats why im thinking 1 overflow and return for each and also how big of a sump? ill post more pics of this tank as soon as i get down loaded to the computer but any and all suggestions and ideas would be great
question is how am i going to do that use hob overflow? drill the back? since the tanks are separate but yet joined do i use just 1 hob? or 1 on each tank section along with the return in each or just 1 if that makes sence my concern with just 1 is water flow from tank to tank i have two canisters hooked up to it now 1 for each tank thats why im thinking 1 overflow and return for each and also how big of a sump? ill post more pics of this tank as soon as i get down loaded to the computer but any and all suggestions and ideas would be great
thanks guys i thought the tanks where sweet when i seen them and the future wife insisted i get them now she says she created a monster lol and yes the tanks are connected in the middle with the 2 tubes and yes the fish go back and forth and yes i want to dump the canister filters that are on it now and hook up a sump/refugium system to it question is how am i going to do that use hob overflow? drill the back? since the tanks are separate but yet joined do i use just 1 hob? or 1 on each tank section along with the return in each or just 1 if that makes sence my concern with just 1 is water flow from tank to tank i have two canisters hooked up to it now 1 for each tank thats why im thinking 1 overflow and return for each and also how big of a sump? ill post more pics of this tank as soon as i get down loaded to the computer but any and all suggestions and ideas would be great

I think it will come down to your personal preference and what you're planning to do with the tank stock wise, i.e. how clean you need to keep the water. Ideally, I'd suggest plumbing it into a closet, basement or other adjoining room where you could set up a fully functional and full sized sump/fuge without the complications and size restraints of the two stands. I lieu of that is suggest overflow and returns on each tank and in order to keep it clean, I think you'd need to set up two separate sumps. I was thinking about ways to join the sumps, similar to how the tanks are joined, but I think the overflow and return plumming would create a messy or cluttered look that you wouldn't be happy with.

If you're like me, figuring this stuff out and working through different design ideas in your head is one of the great parts of the hobby. I'm sure others will share their thoughts.

Good luck. I'm looking forward to seeing what you decide.

oh i agree Brian i wish i could plum it all into a closet but as of now i cant i definitely want the water clean and I am leaning to over flow/ return in each tank i was thinking of using the eshoops 200 it has the 2 intake hook ups and then just try and work out a duel return just have to figure out pump size for the return doing a little mod with some black acrylic to help blend it to the black stand and maybe seeing if i can find some black pvc pipe (even if they make that) the eshoops 200 is rated for 125-225g tanks that shouldn't be a problem for my 55 should it? As far as the returns and the overflow them selfs im still going back and forth on a hob overflow or just drill the holes i think either way Im going to have to do a little cutting i may have to cut the opening on the top a little to get the hob to work also at that point i might as well drill the holes
ya your right i like figuring this all out even tho it keeps me up at times it still is an amazing hobby the designs are endless as you can tell with my tanks lol but never hurts and is always great to reach out to others and see what they think you never know thanks for the input cant wait to get this done and get the unwanted clutter out of the tank and post how it comes out
