I have a 20G High mixed reef tank (lightly stocked). I have been fighting a GHA outbreak for about a month now and would appreciate other suggestions that would help me win this battle.
Since the start of the war I have done the following.
Added a Reef Octopus 1000 HoB skimmer.
Replaced all T5 bulbs.
Added a 20G quick crew from ReefCleaners.
Religous 10% weekly water changes.
Blow detritus off rocks a few times a week.
Manually remove as much GHA as I can.
Added a Lawn Mover Blenny.
I also have a HoB Aqua Clear 50 that I use for mechanical filtration and to run carbon. Would it be a good idea to run some phosphate remover in my HoB filter? If so what kind is the best for that sort of setup?
Since the start of the war I have done the following.
Added a Reef Octopus 1000 HoB skimmer.
Replaced all T5 bulbs.
Added a 20G quick crew from ReefCleaners.
Religous 10% weekly water changes.
Blow detritus off rocks a few times a week.
Manually remove as much GHA as I can.
Added a Lawn Mover Blenny.
I also have a HoB Aqua Clear 50 that I use for mechanical filtration and to run carbon. Would it be a good idea to run some phosphate remover in my HoB filter? If so what kind is the best for that sort of setup?