Green Star Polyps


New member
I have a decent (for my tank anyway) chunk of green star polyps but they haven't been open in awhile. I had a pesky crab that stomped all over everything and got rid of it a week ago but they still haven't recovered. I talked to the guys at MCF about it and they suggested moving it so it can get a lot of flow. STILL NOTHING. I heard these things are really hard to kill and EVERYTHING in my tank is thriving so what gives? Perhaps I don't have enough flow for these...due to asthetic reasons, the fluval has to be filled pretty high so the return water is mellow...and my powerhead is in the perfect spot to not blast something too hard in the little tank. Thoughts?
I would not sweet it to much my GSP can stay closed for close to a week at a time but always opens again. as long as the matt is purple its most likely fine.
when i got mine from the reefer it didnt open for about 3 weeks i thought it was a gonner then i saw its stars come out a tiny bit at a time. then somthing went wrong and that was the only thing that survived and didnt open up again for like 2 or 3 weeks. keep calm and itll be out dont keep it moving around i think it just makes it worse.
Yeah that's what i figured...I didn't want to touch it at all...the crab knocked a lot of stuff out of place and I noticed it dropped down to a level where it wasn't getting much flow...I moved it a few days ago and now today I see the tiny beginnings of some growth...only like 3 but it proves there is life! The mat is purple so that is good. I heard you would have to all but throw gasoline on them to kill them so I suppose I will wait. I started to get worried when it was like 3 weeks without a thing..
My gsp is very hard to kill. In my 28 gallon it has doubled size in less then four months I took a very small peice maybe a quarter inch square piece I peeled off the rock and just dropped it in my five gallon. In a few days it started opening up. Well I never glued it down so it would get kicked all over the tank and get flipped over stuck between rocks. Finally after two months of that I glued it to a rock. One thing I noticed during that time of just being kicked around the purple mat grew to almost 3/4 inch wide. Crazy huh. It's growing like a weed for me. And in two different tanks. One with cf lights and one with leds.
I never had ANY problems with mine.. They even opened up about an hour after dropping them into my tank.

Lately they've been REALLY moody. Mine were hiding for a few days - I was a bit worried about them too. But they'll open back up eventually.. Mine did.
Yep they're open and happy! And when I moved them a little bit of the purple mat stuck to the rock and even THAT is open! They needed more flow...thanks to MCF for the tip!