GSP question


New member
Hey guys, I have a GSP that has been doing great. About a week ago I started seeing a branch or two dying. Now today I have a dead spot about as big as a 50 cent piece. Anyone know what could be causing this, or what I can do to remedy the problem? Thanks in advance.
I got a remedy for you. You can come to my place in Mokena and pick up a free 5" x 5" piece of it if you want
They should be easy to keep. As long as ur fish can survive in ur tank, they should be able to grow back. Keep in mind, they like medium-high lights and flow.
Found My problem, had an aptasia anemone in that grew on it. Got a few peppermint shrimp and within a day the anemone was gone. Within like 3 days the GSP had pretty much regrown over the area.
Yeah the shrimp can damage the mouth of the coral because they pull food out but mine have been fine so far